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Update resources

Updating resource on the server is done with the update() and update_async() methods of the FhirServer class. These methods accept a list of fhir.resources objects that are required to have a server assigned id and resource_type attribute. These resources are then updated on the server using a batch transaction.


As with all the methods of the library, there are asynchronous and synchronous versions of the methods presented here. Simply add the await keyword and append _async to the method name to use the asynchronous version.

from fhir_kindling import FhirServer
from fhir.resources.patient import Patient

fhir_server = FhirServer(api_address="")
# Get a list of 100 patients
patients = server.query("Patient").limit(100).resources

# Update the first name of all patients
for patient in patients:[0].given[0] = "John"

# Update the patients on the server
update_response = fhir_server.update(resources=patients)

Update API

update(self, resources)

Update a list of resources that exist on the server


Name Type Description Default
resources List[Union[fhir.resources.fhirresourcemodel.FHIRResourceModel, dict]]

List of updated resources coming to send to the server


Returns: Bundle update response from the fhir server