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Fhir kindling provides tooling to run reproducible benchmarks against FHIR servers. The benchmark cover common CRUD operations as well as FHIR search requests with increasing complexities. To perform these tests the benchmarking tool creates a synthetic dataset with configurable size that is used to populate the server. The benchmarking tool then performs the operations against the server and records the time it took to complete each operation. Dataset size and the number of attempts made for each step in the benchmark can be configured.

After the benchmark is successfully run the the results are stored as a JSON file and also plotted as a graph and saved as a PNG file.


  • Docker(for preconfigured benchmarks)
  • Fhir kindling installed

Run preconfigured benchmarks

To easily test how the most common fhir implementations perform on your machine you can use the preconfigured benchmarks.

First clone the repository on the machine you want to run the benchmarks on.

git clone
The benchmarks directory contains a docker-compose.yml file that starts a Blaze, HAPI, and Linux4Health FHIR server. Start the servers using docker compose
docker compose up -d

If not already installed, install fhir-kindling with the ds extras

pip install fhir-kindling[ds]

Or install using poetry (recommended) in the root directory of the repository

poetry install --extras ds

These servers are configured by default in the script. If you want to add your own server, you can do so by adding it to the servers list in the script.

Run the benchmark script


Configuring the benchmark

There are multiple configuration options to adapt the benchmark to your needs.

  • You can modify the number of resources and attempts the benchmark makes.
  • You can select which steps to run in case you dont want to run the full suite
  • You can add your own custom search queries to be evaluated against the servers

Size and number of attempts

Modify the dataset size and the number of attempts made for each step in the benchmark by settings the dataset_size and n_attempts variables on the ServerBenchmark instance. (Keep in mind that the dataset size changes with approximately a factor of 10 based on the parameter given in the dataset_size variable.)

from fhir_kindling import FhirServer
from fhir_kindling.benchmark import ServerBenchmark

servers = [FhirServer(api_adress="http://localhost:9090/fhir")")]
benchmark = ServerBenchmark(

Steps and custom queries

By passing a list of steps (generate, query, insert, dataset_insert, update, delete) to the steps parameter you can select which steps to run in the benchmark. You can run your own queries by passing either FHIR REST query strings or FhirQueryParameter objects to the custom_queries parameter.

from fhir_kindling import FhirServer
from fhir_kindling.benchmark import ServerBenchmark

servers = [FhirServer(api_adress="http://localhost:9090/fhir")")]
benchmark = ServerBenchmark(
    steps=["generate", "dataset_insert", "query"],
    custom_queries=["Condition?_count=1000", "Observation?_count=10000"],

API Reference

results property readonly

Retunrs the results of the benchmark if the benchmark has completed.


Type Description

If the benchmark has not completed


Type Description

The results of the benchmark

__init__(self, servers, server_names=None, n_attempts=20, batch_size=100, dataset_size=1000, custom_queries=None, steps=None) special

Initialize a benchmark object to test the performance of a set of servers.


Name Type Description Default
servers List[fhir_kindling.fhir_server.fhir_server.FhirServer]

List of servers to benchmark.

server_names Optional[List[str]]

Optionally provide a list of names for the servers. Which will be used in the results. Defaults to the servers api address.

n_attempts int

The number of attempts for each operation. Defaults to N_ATTEMPTS.

batch_size int

The size of the batches for evaluating batch operations. Defaults to BATCH_SIZE.

dataset_size int

The number of base resources in the dataset. Defaults to 1000.

custom_queries Optional[List[Tuple[str, Union[str, fhir_kindling.fhir_query.query_parameters.FhirQueryParameters]]]]

A list of custom FHIR search queries to be included in the benchmark. Defaults to None.

steps List[Union[str, fhir_kindling.benchmark.constants.BenchmarkOperations]]

Select a subset of the steps to run. Defaults to None.



Type Description

If the number of server names does not match the number of servers.


Plot the results of the benchmark


Type Description

The plotly figure displaying the results

run_suite(self, progress=True, save=True, results_dir=None)

Run the the test suite configured for this benchmark instance. By default the steps are: Dataset generation, single resource insert, batch insert, dataset upload, search, update and delete.


Name Type Description Default
progress bool

Wether to visualize progress using a progress bar. Defaults to True.

save bool

Save the results to file once the suite is finished. Defaults to True.

results_dir str

Directory in which to save the results. If None defaults to current working directory.
